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Timers are used to provide timing information within your workspace. Timers can ben operated in Stopwatch or Countdown mode. In Countdown mode a start time is set to count down from.

All time formats must be Hours, Minutes, Seconds with the preceding zero (HH:MM:SS) up to a maximum value of 23:59:59. Timers will continue to run when changing page and if the app enters the background.

API Methods

Use external applications to operate this control with the API via OSC.

Send the string /ctrl/control/[uid]/[command] with the control's UID and selected command.

The default port for Ctrl for iPads OSC API is 53000. This can be modified by navigating to the settings menu and modifying the global OSC input port.

OSC Commands

/timer-startStart the timer
/timer-pausePause the timer
/timer-resetReset the timer
/theme [Int]Change the theme of the control (Int 1 to 14)
/theme [Int] [String]Change the theme of the control using custom palette
/flash [Int]Set the control to flash to indicate attention is required (0 - Off, 1 - On)

Alternatively, you can create a Custom OSC Binding for this control for any of the attributes listed above.